FT Partners Quarterly InsurTech Insights and Annual Almanac
FT Partners is the only data source for comprehensive, global InsurTech deal activity covering M&A, Financing and IPO statistics and trends
FT Partners’ InsurTech Insights Reports are published on a quarterly basis, along with a comprehensive year-end Almanac. All information included in the reports is sourced from FT Partners’ Proprietary Transaction Database, which is compiled by the FT Partners Research Team through primary research and data analysis. The reports feature M&A, financing and IPO statistics and trends as well as breakdowns by vertical, geography, investor-type and much more.
View our Global FinTech Insights and Almanac reports here.
Be sure to check back for quarterly updates and additions. All recent reports can be viewed or downloaded for free below.
2024 InsurTech Almanac
Report Features:
- 2024 and historical InsurTech financing and M&A volume and deal count statistics
- Largest InsurTech financings and M&A transactions in 2024
- Most active InsurTech investors
- Breakdowns by geography, product type and business model
- Corporate VC activity and strategic investor participation
- Other industry, capital raising and M&A trends in InsurTech
Key Highlights:
- Still recalibrating from the peak of activity in 2021, private InsurTech company funding volume declined for the third year in a row, dropping 20% year-over-year
- On the flipside, the actual number of investments in the sector remained robust, with more than 280 capital raises during the year, compared to 277 the year prior, implying a strong pipeline of smaller-sized and early-stage deals
- While many other regions experienced declines in funding activity, European InsurTech volume increased 45% year-over-year
- With only a handful of M&A transactions with announced dollar amounts, 2024 M&A volume came in under $3 billion, the lowest level in over a decade for the sector
- Despite the low dollar volume, deals were still getting done with the number of M&A transactions tracking closely to last year’s level
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