VIP Video Conference: Challenger Banks — The State of Play
Thursday, December 17
9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST / 5:00 PM GMT
FT Partners is excited to host another thrilling VIP Video Conference on Challenger Banks. We will be joined by a world-class panel of Challenger Bank executives to discuss the state of play in the digital banking space, including:
Jackie Reses, Former Executive Chairman of Square Financial Services, now CEO of Post House Capital
Colin Walsh, Co-founder and CEO of Varo
Dee Choubey, Founder and CEO of MoneyLion
Jason Wilk, Co-founder and CEO of Dave
Renaud Laplanche, Co-founder and CEO of Upgrade
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Webinar ID: 967 3754 4012
International numbers available: ftpartners.zoom.us/u/aedRg7Z2Uq
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